Saturday, 4 September 2010

Nobody wears white after Labour Day...Really?

The first Monday in September marks Labour Day for those in the United States and for those of you a little unsure of what Labour Day actually is, it is the annual holiday to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers. Here marked the 8 hour day - a movement to improve working conditions. But what has this got to do with the fashion world? Well, for many Labour Day marks an official end to Summer - many schools go back after summer holidays and for some white signifies the carefree, warm essence of summer. However it's more to do with the fabric of white clothing than the actual colour - white linen and white cotton were practically uniform for those escaping to the Hamptons from the city during those hot summer months. So it seems that white is more than OK for the winter months (see Chanel AW10/11 as an example) as long as it doesn't involve cotton or linen. Use white with heavier materials to rid the white of those wispy summer connotations.

For me, white can be a key AW11 colour. Nothing compliments the sultry tones of winter khaki, brown and a beautiful fur coat like a delicate white addition to your outfit.

Pleated Silk Blouse; Burberry, Rosette Top; Adam, & 'Tilly' Lace Mini; Lover

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