What a disappointing follow up. Sex and the City 2 was an absolute shambles. From high heels in the desert, to Charlotte claiming her failing as a mother (but doesn't work and also has the full time assistance of a nanny (Irish and braless).
A cringe worthy Single Ladies performance by Liza Minnelli set up the tone for the remainder of the film which was lack-lustre with no focused story for our favourite foursome or the city. Carrie swapped fashion for furniture while Big was portrayed as less wealthy than before (it had taken two years to complete decorating their apartment). Penelope Cruz got her one line in whilst appearing as a man nabbing banker from Madrid. Carrie predictably put her passport down forgetting to pick it up when spying Aiden who coincidentally enough was in Abu Dhabi exactly the same time as them! They then shared a kiss, disregarding both of their marriages. What felt like a painful eternity later Carrie decides to inform Big of her mishap and rather than scolding her or making her face consequences he buys her a diamond ring!
Not enough New York, not enough traditional Sex and the City characters. Bleak, predictable, could be anybody characters who had moved from sophisticated New York City girls to karaoke bar singers. I am woman hear me roar. No thank you. Rather than letting SATC exit on a high note it had to be taken further. Evidentially there are no SATC story lines left and it is just being stuffed to the brim with stereotypical chick flick essences. What an absolute let down!
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